Monday, November 26, 2012

Intuition – Tuning in for guidance
I have had some amazing experiences lately and wanted to share them with you. It is said that we all have the ability to tap into our intuition but it is like anything else - it takes awareness and practice. I am a firm believer in synchronicity and the fact that there are no such things as coincidences or coinkydinks, as my kids used to say!

Experience #1 - I was recently in Greensboro for the Market America convention and was listening to one trainer encourage us to do something different than we had done in the past to get to the next level in our businesses. I bought that and was thinking about a couple of different routes to take. One route was to become an agent to market a tool that helps people become debt free much faster than normal. I believe in being debt free and thought this was a good fit with my background as a CPA . BUT THEN I BREAK 3 PAIRS OF READING GLASSES IN 2 DAYS!!!!! I have several of these cheap readers and I have had them for a while so to break 3 in 2 days left me wondering. In the past, I might have thought, "Oh that is funny," but now I'm thinking, "What am I not SEEING correctly?" I had coffee with my friend, Lupita, and I tell her the story and she says the same thing - "What aren't you seeing correctly?" She tells me to ask for guidance so I do. I go home to take a little cat nap and I ask to be shown guidance on what I am not seeing correctly. Guess what? I wake up and I have my answer - "Trust and stick with your passion, girlfriend, and things will work out beautifully!" So here I am blogging away on my passion - energy and spiritual stuff!!!!!!!!!!!

Experience #2 - I was recently invited to attend a networking group that is being started here in Pittsburgh. I was putting on my makeup (a 5 minute process) and was thinking of something that I was considering bringing up at this meeting. Just as I'm thinking about it, my flat iron falls off the sink??? No one is in this bathroom besides me - at least that I can see! I think, "hmmm, maybe I'm not supposed to mention that at the meeting. I drive to the meeting and just as I'm about to get out of the car, a weird brake light goes on that has never been on before. Again, I think, "hmmm, maybe I am to put the brakes on mentioning this idea?" I decide to not say anything to the group as a whole but I do approach one of the organizers after the meeting and mention to her my idea. She did not warm to it so I now know this is not something that I will pursue with this group. And guess what?  The brake light has not come on since.

I know these kinds of things are happening all the time so would love to hear your stories!!

Peace and Light to all!

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