Feng Shui is also known as "acupuncture for the home." In acupuncture, the practitioner attempts to clear imbalances and release blockages in your energy meridians (lines of energy within your body) to help your body to heal. This analogy is great because that cluttered hallway is also blocking the flow of energy (chi/life force) through your home as well.
Before we get to any specific Feng Shui recommendations or cures, it is important to deal with the numero uno good Feng Shui inhibitor - clutter! Ugh, we all have it to some degree or another. The important thing is to find a solution that works for you in dealing with it. I'm not trying to address the deep psychological issues that are prevalent on "Buried Alive - Hoarding" shows. This advice is for all of you that just need some useful tips in dealing with it. Below is what has been effective for me.
1. Designate a small amount of time per day or week
Do you often feel that you need to take an entire summer off to deal with it? I have often felt like this. I've discovered that the most effective thing is to designate a small period of time - 10 minutes a day or 30 minutes a week to focus on it. Even just telling yourself that you will only spend 10 minutes - set the timer - will be so effective. Take 2 large bags with you and give 2 to everyone in the household. Use all family members to really make it happen faster. One is for donating and the other is for garbage. Or if you are really ambitious, another for selling. I favor the donating over selling but that is just me. I figure the tax benefit is about equal to what I could sell it for and so much easier than the hassle of Craigslist or Ebay. Unless you have valuable stuff - most of mine isn't! Think about how many bags that you will have at the end of the month for either donating or trashing. Ah, I feel better just visualizing it! Look at each item and decide if you will use it or not and decide quickly. Some people get hung up with clothing. If I haven't worn it in a year, out it goes. I figure someone else could be using it and it opens up space for more things that I like, and of course, more shoes!!!
2. Take pictures of things and save digitally
I saw this idea in a magazine and loved it. Take a picture of that which you don't want to keep in physical form but want to preserve the memory. When my Mom died a few years ago, my two sisters and I had the whole house to go through which was not all that bad since my mother was a great housekeeper and was well organized. She was practicing good feng shui without realizing it. My sister took a picture of the coffeepot onto which my Dad had welded a screwdriver when the handle broke, the large pot lid onto which he had welded a golf ball as a handle and the cake pan that had been used for so many years for our birthday cakes. It was a great gift that now hangs in my kitchen and reminds me of my parents. Another idea is to take a small piece of that childhood blanket and frame it along with the footprints from the hospital. You get the idea.
3. Hire a professional organizer and/or cleaning help
This may sound like a luxury but if you are having trouble with organizing and letting go of things, it is sucking your energy which could be better spent on something else. I have found this to be true in most areas of my life where I can hire professionals. Corporations outsource because they want to focus their energy on specific things so they hire experts for all the other stuff. Why not you for your home or office? It will be money well spent. I have several people that I can refer if you need someone. The national association is NAPO - National Association of Professional Organizers. I have had cleaning help since I first became a working mom 25 years ago. This keeps you on your toes since you have to have the place ready for cleaning which requires a concerted effort at least a few times a month.
4. Store it and decide later
If you are going through an entire house for example, at least put items in those plastic containers and store them somewhere out of sight so that you can decide later. Here is one technique that I love and have used especially for all those electronic cords and chargers that seem to multiply overnight. I gathered them all up and put them in a box and labeled what was in it. If we don't go into the box in the next year, I get to trash or donate the whole box.
Hopefully, these have helped you get started. Your intention is everything so set the intention that you will have a clutter free home or office and you will! The techniques, time, and motivation will come to you. So get started so we can get on to the fun stuff!